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We strive to create products with whole ingredients and no waste. The importance of what we use on the daily can change our lives entirely. Environmentally as well as our own individual health.
...and a little bit about our whole ingredients...
Nutritional Facts
Monounsaturated & saturated Fat
High Omega 9 (Oleic Acid)
High Levels of Vitamin E
Minimizes the appearance of pores and adds dimension to textured hair
Soothes your mind, skin and hair.
Antioxidant (help fight against free radicals)
relaxes tension
replenishes hair & skin
"As a mother, friend, sister, daughter, melanoma survivor and hair stylist, I come to you with my answer to living wisely. Besides, your hair defines you and your skin is your BIGGEST organ."

Claire Williams
Hair stylist-naturalist-yogist
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